Top 5 Tuesday – Favourite Childhood YA Books

Hi guys! Welcome back to our new feature, Top 5 Tuesday! Each week we pick our top 5 books across a different category. This week I'm looking back my favourite YA books from my childhood. These are worlds that I got lost in on a daily basis. I remember being taken to the library or the... Continue Reading →

Blogger Recognition Award

Rules: Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog. Write a post to show your award. Give a brief story of how your blog started. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers. Select 15 other bloggers you’d like to give this award to. Comment on each blog and let... Continue Reading →

Proof Tour: Part One – Bex

This week I thought I'd give you all a glimpse into my bookshelf at all the gorgeous proof copies that I've been lucky enough to receive over the years. This is only part one because lots of my proofs are safely packed away to allow room for even more books! Some of these have been... Continue Reading →

Welcome To Sunshine Books!

Firstly, thank you very much for visiting our blog! You're probably wondering who we are and where we come from, so let me introduce us. We are Gem, Becca and Bex, three Booksellers from Birmingham in the UK. Between us we have 20 years experience in Bookselling (I even have a University Certificate in it!).... Continue Reading →

Perfect – Cecelia Ahern

This review may contain spoilers for the first book, Flawed. I first read Flawed about two years ago while I was selling books at The Rep in Birmingham, and in between showings I absolutely devoured it. I wasn’t expecting to like it; a colleague had recommended it to me and I thought I’d give it a... Continue Reading →

The Sacrifice Box – Martin Stewart

Set in the 1980’s on a vague island off the mainland, which I guess to be Scotland, although it’s not implicitly said. The story follows a group of young people, who a few Summer’s before had chosen to each leave an item in the Sacrifice box; a stone chest half buried in the middle of... Continue Reading →

Goodbye, Perfect – Sara Barnard

Goodbye, Perfect tells the story of Eden, whose 15 year old best friend Bonnie has run away with a man. And not just any man; their Music teacher Mr Cohn. This is the first YA book I’ve read in 2018 and I actually loved it. I have to admit that it’s not something that I would... Continue Reading →

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